The Regimental Family
As with all military units of the British Armed Services past members and their families form various associations. In this section we have collected pages which might interest past members of the Regiment and those interested in the Regimental Associations and their activities. Select from the menu to the left to view events past and planned.
Below is a list of the various groups and associations of the Regiment
(Amended 22nd October 2016)
Liverpool Scottish Council
The Liverpool Scottish Council was disbanded on 22nd October 2016 and the Liverpool Scottish Regimental Association became the lead body for the protection and promotion of the Liverpool Scottish Heritage
Liverpool Scottish Regimental Association
President: Colonel I. Paterson OBE TD
Chairman: Major R. Boardman TD
Secretary: Major W. Weir
Treasurer: Major R. Boardman TD (pro tem)
Liverpool Scottish Officers Association
Amalgamated with the Liverpool Scottish Regimental Association on 16th June 2015
Liverpool Scottish Regimental Association Pipe Band
Pipe Major: Pipe Major Jay Axon
Secretary. R. Lynch Esq LSOM
Liverpool Scottish Regimental Trust
The Liverpool Scottish Regimental Trust was disbanded on 22nd October 2016 and the Liverpool Scottish Regimental Association became the lead body for the protection and promotion of the Liverpool Scottish Heritage. The Trust Funds were passed into the care of the Liverpool Scottish Regimental Association. Major Gordon McConnell TD has taken general responsibility.
Liverpool Scottish Regimental Museum Trust
Chairman: Professor DA Ritchie CBE FRSE
Hon Secretary: Major (retd) IL Riley TD BSc MA FRSA FSA (Scot)
Hon Curator: Dennis Reeves Esq LSOM
Hon Treasurer: Captain (retd) M Gavin TD
Hon Webmaster: Mike Parsons Esq BA
Liverpool Scottish Platoon Merseyside Army Cadet Force
Now transferred to Duke of Lancaster's Regiment cap badge and affiliation.
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